The Moon in Cancer |

July 2024 · 5 minute read
Moon in Cancer
Jun 7, 2024 – Jun 9, 2024

By Staff

Before we get into talking about the Cancer Moon, let’s start off with a little bit about the Moon itself. In Astrology, the Moon is considered a planet -- and it’s the fastest moving one at that! Because it moves so quickly, it moves through each of the 12 zodiac signs once every month. Most of us know what our Sun sign is, but what about your Moon sign?

When the Moon is in Cancer

Regardless of what your Sun or Moon signs are, for a couple of days a month we’re all under the influence of the Cancer Moon. We’ll feel a little bit more tender, and more vulnerable than we do during other times of the month. You’ll have the urge to put up stronger walls between you and others in order to protect yourself. This is one of Cancer’s tricks -- living behind your castle walls so you can feel safe. So, during the Moon in Cancer transit, you’ll feel more protective not only over yourself, but also those you love.

Cancer is the sign of mothering energy, so during this Moon you’ll feel a stronger urge to nurture and care for everyone as if everyone was one of your children. Domestic matters will feel more important than usual, and you will find yourself wanting to be at home surrounded by your loved ones. This is a great time to invite people over to share stories over a meal, or gather friends for a night of games.

Emotions will be heightened during the Cancer Moon, and it’s easy become moody if you don’t express how you’re feeling. But don’t worry, this extra emotion doesn’t have to be a bad thing. You’ll have an easier time tuning into your emotional needs, giving you a better understanding of what you need in life to feel satisfied.

New Moon in Cancer

In the early summer when the Moon and Sun are both in the sign of Cancer, we have a New Moon in Cancer. This is a very special time because New Moons are all about new growth and the beginning of new cycles. Cancer likes to protect itself by holding things in, so during the Cancer New Moon, we want to think about planting the metaphorical seeds we’ve kept hidden. However, this doesn’t mean we need to announce our plans to everyone if we don’t want to. It just means we need to finally bring those seeds out of hiding and sow them with intention.

Full Moon in Cancer

Six months later, at the beginning of winter when the sun is in the sign of Capricorn, we have a Full Moon in Cancer. Capricorn is about the outer energy, and the mastery of our outer world. The Cancer Full Moon allows the energies of these two signs to counterbalance each other, and helps us bring to fruition those things that we held close during the New Moon. We’re finally able to manifest these things, and create a sense of security in bringing our feelings and desires out into the world.

If you were born with the Moon in Cancer

Your Sun sign represents the person you show to the world. Your Moon sign (or natal moon sign) is about how you feel, and Cancerians have very powerful feelings. Although, you wouldn’t know it with the thick shell they use to protect themselves! They only put up a hard exterior because they’re incredibly sensitive, and can get hurt easily.

They’re aren’t just aware of their own feelings -- they’re also able to sense the feelings of those around them. Being a Water sign, they have the gift of intuition, and can easily pick up on how others are feeling or what they need. Rest assured, you can’t fool a Crab because they’ll see right through you!

Matters of the heart and home are incredibly important to those born with their Moon in Cancer. Deeply loyal, they take their relationships with others seriously, and love spending time with family and friends. Natural nurturers, they often go out of their way to make others feel loved. It’s no surprise that Cancer has a reputation for being the "mother sign" of the zodiac.

Cancer Moon Sign Traits:

Reveal how your Moon sign influences the way you feel, your gut reactions, and even what you need to feel secure. View your FREE birth chart now!Not sure where the Moon is in your birth chart? Get an Essential Birth Chart Reading and learn YOUR Moon's influences!
