Charity, Fundraising & Nonprofit Success Stories

August 2024 · 52 minute read

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Want celebrity fundraising ideas?

Perhaps you want to receive celebrity autographed items, signed memorabilia, and donations for your fundraising auctions and events?

Need to find out which celebrities contribute time and/or money to your cause?

If so, keep reading to find out how some Contact Any Celebrity Members contacted celebrities for charity events and received signed items, autographed memorabilia, and even donations (most of our Members are charities, fundraisers, and nonprofits).

Once you join Contact Any Celebrity, you’ll get instant access to our Celebrity Causes Database plus a sample celebrity donation request letter.

Simply choose your cause from the All Causes dropdown list, and you’ll get a list of celebrities who donate to charity auctions!

You’ll also get our book, ‘Help from Hollywood: How to Hold a Celebrity Autograph Auction.’

Download it FREE in the Member Lounge as soon as you join!

Also, see our How-To Articles under Charities, Fundraisers & Nonprofits for more information on how to contact celebrities for charity.

Look What People Are Saying…

Table Of Contents:

“This thing is huge! The range is amazing. There are so many celebrities involved with so many causes that a Web site, Contact Any Celebrity cross-references them.”

“This online directory and its helpful staff will help you find any celebrity in the world. Contact Any Celebrity is a service that can help you get in contact with someone you’ve always dreamed of.”
Tim Ferriss, New York Times Bestselling Author, ‘The 4-Hour Workweek‘ & Host, ‘The Tim Ferriss Show

If you’re looking for a celebrity spokesperson, a charity partner, or a blurb for your book, this is the place to go.
– Susan Harrow, PR Secrets

“I strongly suggest you try this service. If you are running a charity auction, you get autographed items for your fundraisers. Lots more uses, too.”
– Dan Janal, President, PR LEADS

“If you opt to pursue a celebrity or celebrities on your own, to use in your advertising, or get a “blurb” from for your book, etc. this is THE place to get contact information.”
Dan Kennedy, ‘No B.S. Marketing to the Affluent

“Contact Any Celebrity is a rich source of contacts for testimonials and other relationships.”
John Kremer, ‘1001 Ways to Market Your Books

“We get much better results now that we use Contact Any Celebrity. We get a high response rate, and no mail has been returned to us undelivered. The service has addresses for over 59,000 celebrities, its owner is very helpful, and we feel we can recommend it.”
– Steve Purcell, Founder, Look To The Stars

Contact Any Celebrity is useful for authors who want positive quotes from celebrities to put on their book covers, fans seeking autographs, and charities looking for celebrity endorsements.”
– Robert Skrob, President, Information Marketing Association

“The best resource and a GREAT deal. They have everyone.”
– Peter Shankman, Founder, Help A Reporter Out (HARO)

“Contact Any Celebrity is a great resource and very easy to use.”
– Sandra Sims, Step-by-Step Fundraising

“The best service for contacting a celebrity’s agent, manager, publicist, or production company.”
– Joan Stewart, President, The Publicity Hound

Charity, Fundraiser & Nonprofit Success Stories:

“I was really glad I stumbled onto Contact Any Celebrity! The service has been great and we have been getting responses back. I do a lot of ‘fundraising’ for 501C groups and this provides great contact information. Being able to contact the celebrities is a HUGE plus for our auction. 6 returns out of 88 seem really good. Turn around on requests outstanding!’
– Sue Abernathy, St. Ann, MO

“I want you to know how excited I am with the items we are getting for our fundraiser. I sent out about 400 letters about a month ago and I patiently wait each day for the mail. So far I’ve gotten items from Donald Trump, Terry Bradshaw, Dean Koontz, Arnold Palmer, and many more. Thanks again for such a great source. Our auction isn’t until November but I am absolutely excited!”
– Ruth Barren, Auction Chair, SummerGlen, Ocala, FL

“I could not do what I do without researching your Contact Any Celebrity database for addresses. I am the donations coordinator for the Bakersfield’s AIDS Project. I got the idea to have a celebrity auction and raise money. I have been writing to celebs and asking them to sign an autograph card and return it in the SASE and forward a picture. I have gotten a great response and am having our 2nd annual celebrity auction in October. I am having things framed as I type. Thank you so much. I could not have done it without you!!!”
– Andrew Beasley, Bakersfield’s AIDS Project, Bakersfield, CA

“After listening to Jordan’s advice, our organization decided to ask Dolly Parton’s production company for a donation. Her assistant sent us a beautiful wig Dolly no longer uses. We raised $30,000 for the organization which pays 1/2 year expenses.”
– Lisa Bennett, Help Animal Lives Today

“I have enclosed the letter I used to solicit celebrity items for our black-tie event which raised over $31,000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.”
– Sally Blume, Chicago, IL

“Two celebrities have recorded public service announcements for the Borgen Project that aired nationally and helped the organization bring the issues to millions of people. We couldn’t have done it without Contact Any Celebrity. Thanks for helping us bring political attention to severe poverty.”
– Clint Borgen, The Borgen Project, Seattle, WA

I use Contact Any Celebrity frequently to contact spokespersons and am really pleased that your info is up to date and thorough. I’ve used similar services before and the information was very seldom accurate.”
– Kathleen Boylan, Chicago, IL

★★★★★ (Google)
“I have subscribed to Contact Any Celebrity for several years and find it to be a very useful tool in our research to locate celebrities that are involved in the community and are looking for a more formal way to administer their philanthropy via fiscal sponsorship or Donor Advised Fund methods.

What’s best is the fact that Jordan, the CEO, is very responsive and professional! I highly recommend using this tool to shorten the amount of research one must endure getting to the right information!

I am always impressed by the quality of the stories written in addition to the ease of finding the right person to connect with for further opportunities. I highly recommend Contact Any Celebrity for any nonprofit organization that conducts business with or looking to partner with this exclusive group of philanthropists!”

– Charisse Browner, CEO/Sr. Philanthropy Consultant Impact Philanthropy Group, Los Angeles, California

“My daughter uses your website to write letters asking for celeb donations for an auction benefiting the Children’s Miracle Network. Over the past 6 years, she’s raised $51,817.00.”
– Debra Brubaker, Selinsgrove, PA

“During the few months that our non-profit organization has been a member of Contact Any Celebrity, it has proven very helpful in finding contact information for several celebrities that we are interested in asking for participation from.”
– Bridget Campbell, The Chicago Lighthouse for People Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired, Chicago, IL

“Here’s the picture of when we presented the money to Kyle Petty, the founder of the Victory Junction Gang Camp at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. I sent out 1,800 letters to different celebrities. We ended up with 219 items and were very successful. We only had about 100 people at our auction but ended up raising over $6,400.00 – $1,400.00 dollars over my goal. It was GREAT! Thanks again for this great resource. Without it, this never would have been possible.”
– Diane Carter, Victory Junction Gang Camp Celebrity Charity Auction, Logansport, IN

“I just had to drop you an email to let you know what we got today. First, we got a lithographed picture of a bird in a tree, numbered 355 of 400 from Sarah Ferguson, The Duchess of York. This is autographed. We also got an Anton Breton souvenir fiddle autographed by Charlie Daniels with a certificate of authenticity and a B&W picture that is also signed. We were so excited!!!! That is the best thing we have gotten so far and feel that will bring a lot of money. I sent out 1,800 letters to different celebrities, musicians, businesses, and NASCAR drivers. We ended up with 219 items and were very successful. We ended up raising over $6,400.00, $1,400.00 dollars over my goal. It was GREAT!”
– Diane Carter, Victory Junction Gang Camp Charity Auction, Logansport, IN

“I am the National Business Manager for A Special Wish Foundation. I use your listings at Contact Any Celebrity daily to get in contact with celebrities. If those celebrities can’t meet our children I always ask for an autographed picture of some sort for our wish children. It works every time. So whether you know it or not you contribute to the granting of wishes indirectly. Thank you so much for your listings. The cost is definitely worth it in the long run.”– Darryl Celler, National Business Manager, A Special Wish Foundation, Tarzana, CA

So far Contact Any Celebrity has been a great help to our organization in contacting celebrities for our current fundraiser.
– Mary Jane Chichester, Executive Director, The Women’s Center of Greater Cleveland, Cleveland, OH

“I join every year at this time for our golf tournament. Your website helps us each year to get many donations from celebrities that we could not normally get without your celebrity contacts database. I don’t think I even have enough space to list all the celebrities that have donated items for our cause. We raised over $19,000.00 last year with your help. Thank you!”
– Pam Cibort, Bressler, PA

“We have had tremendous success with Contact Any Celebrity. Global Projects International, Day Of The Child World Concert, and Beyond Borders iTV LLC has prospered from our use of your service. We have aligned ourselves with managers, agents, publicists, and other notable contacts in the business because of Contact Any Celebrity. We hope to increase our usage of your wonderful services. This celebrity contacts database is absolutely wonderful and is essential to the success of any charity event.”
– Rob Cipriano, Global Projects International, New York, NY

“We are using Contact Any Celebrity to send out letters for donations and letting celebrities know about our Derby Eve Gala to benefit women’s initiatives of Clark Memorial Hospital. We’ve received several great donations for our silent auction.”
– Veronica Carter, Development Assistant, Clark Memorial Hospital Foundation, Jeffersonville, IN

“Contact Any Celebrity and The Celebrity Black Book have saved me so much time. I have purchased your book and used your service for the past 3 1/2 years. With the help of your addresses, we have raised thousands of dollars for the American Cancer Society for research. I have used other sources and have found that the contacts you provide are usually more current. Keep up the good work and thanks so much for helping in the fight against cancer!”
– Susan Cronkleton, Logan View Inc., Bellefontaine, OH

“Your celebrity contacts database saved me considerable time of having to research addresses so I appreciated the assistance.”
– Jessie Couillard, Walking Down Ranch Transitional Housing for Veterans, Lakeside, AZ

“I stumbled upon your Contact Any Celebrity database and I decided to address letters to as many celebrities as possible, asking them to write letters of thanks to Vietnam vets. I wrote to 322 celebrities, including governors and military people. Unfortunately, I only thought of the idea six weeks before the reunion so I didn’t give the well-known Americans much time to respond. However, I did receive over thirty letters, including George Bush, Bill Clinton, John McCain, Norman Schwarzkopf, many governors, and wonderful, kind celebrities from that era. They also received a blessing from The Pope! Thanks to your addresses I was able to hear from some directors (Garry Marshall), producers (Aaron Spelling), actors (Robin Williams), TV personalities (Dick Clark, Ruth Buzzie, Jo Anne Worley, Andy Williams, Pat Boone…who also sent sheet music and a song he wrote about the war, Annette Funicello’s husband…who also sent 50 pictures of Annette for the men, Connie Stevens…who sent 120 bottles of her cologne for the vets). Donald Trump sent one of the most moving letters. Michael Jordan’s letter brought tears to the men who loved basketball so much that they had formed their own wheelchair basketball team while at the hospital. Roman Gabriel sent a poem that he had written. The best letter was from Tommy Lasorda. It was two pages long and he poured his heart out to the men. Many sent a photo with no letter (Neil Diamond, Cheryl Tiegs, Ann Margaret, Jennifer Lopez). Others had their secretaries inform me they had been out of town and didn’t receive my letter until after the event or they would have written a letter (Walter Cronkite, Winton Marsalis, and Shirley McClain). It was a fun endeavor and I appreciate your company having addresses available for the general public to use. The letters were appreciated by the 90 people who attended the reunion and the soldiers who received them in the mail who were unable to attend.”
– Diane Di Ferdinando, Berwyn, PA

“I did a charity fundraiser for an Italian organization last year and used your Celebrity Black Book for the contact information. We had t-shirts made up with our logo on them along with the Italian flag. We sent the celebrities these t-shirts along with a letter explaining the fundraiser/auction with the non-profit number and asked them to sign the shirt and send it back to us in the self-addressed stamped envelope. We sent out 75 packages and received 20 t-shirts back signed and some included autographed pictures and or letters of encouragement. The fun we had auctioning off the ones that came back made for a nice night.”
– Therese Diecidue, Boston, MA

“Jordan’s Contact Any Celebrity and his books make every celebrity accessible. When one of my pro-bono clients holds a celebrity fundraising auction, we go straight to Jordan’s site to reach out to everyone from Oprah Winfrey to Paris Hilton and everyone in between. His celebrity contact database is priceless. I don’t think we could live without it!”
– Anthony Embry, A.E. Public Relations, Charleston, SC

“First of all, I would like to start out by thanking your company. Your Contact Any Celebrity database source is great and because of it, I received really nice items from many celebrities for an auction we are having at our school in March. I would highly recommend your website to everyone who is looking to contact a celebrity.”
– Dawn Engler, Margate, FL

“On behalf of the Africa AIDS Fund, I want to thank you for allowing the Fund to use your Contact Any Celebrity Database. I am amazed at the data you have collected on top people around the world.”
– Dr. Samuel C. Evans, Advisor to the Board, Africa AIDS Fund

“We truly enjoy your Contact Any Celebrity website. We have sent out over 500 letters and so far, only 12 have been returned. Keep up the great work!”
– Catherine Fletcher, Director of Development, Ozark Food Bank, Bethel Heights, AR

★★★★★ (Google)
“I own a business that specializes in providing vital information to help individuals and families deal with environmental challenges, including pending problems with water quality and availability. In order to establish credibility and draw attention to as many people as possible, endorsements and support by well-known, trusted leaders in all aspects of our lives are essential. This celebrity contacts database provides an essential link to help me contact celebrities who have shown an interest in helping people prevent disaster and deal with issues which otherwise may need a more comprehensive discussion.”
– Jeff Foster, Guardians of the Water Planet, Leander, TX

“I have to admit I was a little skeptical at first, right, this is going to give me access to celebrities. I figured at this point I was desperate with nothing to lose. I am planning a fundraising benefit for a child that is suffering from Leukemia and Hypo-eosinophilia. She is in need of a bone-marrow transplant within the next three months. I subscribed to Contact Any Celebrity on Friday evening, spent 12 hours on Saturday emailing, faxing, and addressing letters. When I got to work on Monday morning, I had a voicemail waiting for me from Madonna’s manager. She stated that she wanted to reach out to my cause, and Madonna was sending me two autographed items that could be used for our silent auction. The next day I received autographed items from Jeff Burton and an autobiography from Joe Gibbs. As for Madonna, I received her items today. To you, I send a huge thank you.”
– Donna Gammon, Mechanicsville, VA

If you want to collect autographs or doodles or anything for your organization to contact celebrities, this site is the only place to go. I appreciate everything you’ve done for us and for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.”
– Becky Gomes, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA

“I found this website very useful for the nonprofit organizations I volunteer for. The response has been good. I have sent over 400 letters out as of Sept. 16, 2010. Have already gotten 20 positive replies since around August 1st.”
– Rudolfo Gonzales, Vallejo, CA

“I am involved with our school’s major fundraiser and discovered your Contact Any Celebrity database last year which saved me a great deal of time. I found it extremely time-saving and rewarding. I look forward to the same results this year.”
– Patti Gottsacker, Cedarburg, WI

“I’ve used your service for the past three years and have had great results with little return mail. This year was the highest amount we’ve ever had.”
– Sue Grafstrom, Lifecare Medical Center, Roseau, MN

“I used your Contact Any Celebrity list to get autographs to raise money for the March of Dimes. I was thrilled with the results — we received many, many photos, a magic set from Lance Burton, goodies from Elizabeth Taylor, the list went on and on. Of the letters I sent (approximately 150), we received items from nearly everyone. We had very few returns “undeliverable.” I used most of the items for a silent auction and a few for a live auction. In all, we raised enough money for the March of Dimes to be the second-highest fundraiser that year. Couldn’t have done it without your help! Thank you!”
– Judy Habel, March of Dimes, McKinney, TX

Thank you for all the work you guys put into this Contact Any Celebrity database. It is absolutely invaluable to those of us in the fundraising world. I won’t even look at another address service because you guys are just outstanding. Our fundraiser was a great success, even in the face of inclement weather. We will do a second mailing and still plan to do our celebrity auction later in the year. Thanks for your wonderful service!”
– Felicia Harried, Port Gibson, MS

“I use your Contact Any Celebrity database to contact celebrities for a charity event that is held every year in October. I love it, and it saves me a lot of time. You guys are the best.”
– Jennifer Hartman, Hattie Larlham, Mantua, OH

“This was the first time our charity group has used your celebrity contacts database. We got about 30 items back for our silent auction – some of the names included Tim McGraw, Sugarland, Duke basketball players, and many more. We were able to raise close to $4,000.00 to fight Alzheimer’s Disease in memory of my mother, Betty.”
– Connie Hoagland, Betty’s Battle, Champaign, IL

“Just wanted to say thank you for your service and commitment in creating the celebrity contacts database. I was working on a Silent Auction event for the Washington State Crime Prevention Association and I bought your Celebrity Black Book to help with the fundraising process. After reviewing the online list of celebrities, I looked for people who had similar interests to our mission to improve my odds of success. I sent out letters to about 25 celebrities (since that’s what I could afford). We had a good response from Kenny Rogers, Betty Ford, Glenn Close, and best of all was a ‘gold mine’ from Mark Harmon. We received a signed photo of Mark Harmon, a photo of the cast, and… an original signed NCIS script, ‘Dog Tags’ Episode #107, one of the 2008 TV episodes. It was awesome! The other members of the Association were impressed with what we received and I made sure to give you the kudos you deserved in creating this program. You all are awesome!”
– Barbara Hollace, Spokane, WA

“I decided to give your Contact Any Celebrity database a try for a charity auction we are having for a Montessori School in our area. I sent the first batch of letters out on Feb 22. Imagine my delight when a large box with more than $180 worth of merchandise arrived today. Even if we receive no other donations, the membership fee and the money we spent on postage have been recovered with this one response. I have to admit that I was a little skeptical but thought it was worth a try. All I can say is thank you very much.”
– Quan Hoang, St. Paul, MN

“Earlier this year we subscribed to your Contact Any Celebrity database. We were very pleased with your extensive listings of addresses. We sent letters to many celebrities, requesting donations for our fundraising auction for the Community.”
– Carol Hook, United Way of Atlantic County, Galloway, NJ

“Thank you so much for your great addresses from Contact Any Celebrity. I hope they do as great as they did last year. I am having our 2nd annual auction for the American Cancer Society in October with the pictures I got from all my favorite celebrities. I received over $800.00 for last year.”
– Kelly Hullihen, Robertsdale, AL

“I loved using your celebrity database. We received many autographed photos for our school fundraising auction — Great results!”
– Mary Iwanicki, Chicago, IL

“This service is just amazing. I hate telling people about it because they really think that Cheryl knows everybody. They just don’t know that Cheryl knows Jordan who knows everybody! Contact Any Celebrity is priceless for me, It is priceless.”
Cheryl Jackson, The Giving Movement, Plano, TX

★★★★★ (Google)
“Excellent resource. I have used it repeatedly, for myself and my clients. Lists agents, managers, lawyers, with phone numbers and emails. Reasonably priced, great value.”
– Loolwa Kahzzoom, Activist & Author, San Francisco, CA

“Your Contact Any Celebrity database is amazing – only 19 returns from 400+ sent out.”
– Robyn King, Toys for Tots, New Windsor, NY

“All of my addresses are from your Contact Any Celebrity database. I tried other sources at first but you guys are the only ones that keep most current on your addresses, so it saves me time and money. I work for Animal Services and each year we have a Four Footed Fun Fair and I am in charge of the Celebrity Silent Auction. I send about 600 or more letters to celebrities and famous people and a lot of them respond to help the animals. I get a lot of signed pictures and items (250+) each year. The fundraising auction draws a lot of people to our event and any money raised is used to spay and neuter pets. Thanks for the personal touch. It is always nice to contact real people. I just got a great lithograph signed by Carlos Santana, whoopee! I love this job. It is like Christmas. Your service is great. I have not had the need to go anywhere else to get the results I need for all of my fundraising events. I have another one coming up in October and I know I can count on your service to get the job done.”
– Judy Knapp, Animal Services, Modesto, CA

“We have now finished our fundraising for Adopt a School in Peru. It was successful in that we raised nearly $6,000.00, not bad for a small rural community. We received some wonderful responses including some from celebrities not known for autographing items. Out of over 600 envelopes sent out these were the only ones returned to Contact Any Celebrity for better addresses. Not bad.”
– Nancy Kopf, Titusville, PA

“I signed up yesterday for your Contact Any Celebrity database and spent a few hours gathering addresses. I am also on IMDb Pro and it seems like you guys are a little better at getting “the best” addresses.”
– Jenn Lindsay, Brooklyn, NY

“First off, I want to say thank you. Thank you for your commitment to us ‘normal’ people (LOL) for meticulously researching and providing so much information about people who seem so elusive and exclusive!  Most of us ‘normies’ (again, LOL) truly believe celebrities are people of another kind, that they don’t have typical lives like us. To see a compiled list of that magnitude is a reminder that they are people too, just like if we were looking them up in the white house pages (hopefully you are not too young to not know what that is!!) I used your 7-day free trial to locate a lesser-known celebrity (the only one I needed, and was surprised he was listed even… great job!) to contact for a charitable opportunity for someone at my place of employment. I probably looked up several other people that day as well because I was amazed at the sheer number and diversity of your list!”
– Christina Lindstrom, Apple Valley, MN

“Project Rags to Riches philanthropy project received two personally autographed jeans from Oprah Winfrey; an autographed shirt from Whoopi Goldberg; an autographed photo from Paris Hilton and more. This is just the beginning.  Our team is truly grateful to Jordan and his team at Contact Any Celebrity for the resources, website information, and networking opportunities you provide.
– Madison Lindstrom, Founder, Project Rags to Riches, Toronto, Canada

“I wanted to say thank you for Contact Any Celebrity because I had the great experience of talking to Jeff Foxworthy’s father who does Jeff’s mail. I am in the process of opening up a child care center for disabled children in my area and he is going to send me some autographed items to sell to raise money for the proceeds of the child care center.”
– Christine Marquardt

“Check this out! I wrote Greg Maddux (Chicago Cubs) about signing some items for a benefit I was having for my brother and me. We were in a car accident and are having a raffle and silent auction. I was sitting at the computer one night and got a call from Greg. He said he would sign anything and everything if I wanted to mail it to him. He signed 9 baseballs, 13 baseball cards, 6 Cubs hats, and a Cubs t-shirt. That was definitely worth the Membership fee it cost me to get his address. Thanks, Contact Any Celebrity. It was more than well worth it!”
– Michael Marshall, Sullivan, IL

“We have a Charity helping KIDS IN CRISIS with TEDDY BEARS Code 3 Bear Charity. “Teddy TO THE RESCUE” Campaign. Teddy Bears to be DONATED to Police and Fire Departments, then distributed to children on the scene of an incident to reduce fear and anxiety, also send to WOMEN SHELTERS. Domestic violence victims facing higher risks amid CORVID-19 Pandemic Every 9 Minutes, a woman in the U.S. is beaten. women have become the #1 victims of assault. Thanks to Jordan, NOW we have a list of celebrity contacts, so we can find an Ambassador for our Teddy to the Rescue Campaign Helping Kids in Crisis.”
– Bob Martin, Code 3 Bear Charity, Las Vegas, NV

“We are the Celebrity Autograph Auction benefiting St. Jude Children’s Hospital. We’ve been conducting auctions on eBay for over three years now and have had tremendous success with them. To date, we have raised $60,000.00 for the hospital and plan on doubling that within the next two years.”
– Frank Martin, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN

“I want to thank you so much for the wonderful leads you have provided. I have been working at attaining celebrity autographs for a fundraiser we are having in April. The response has been just outstanding. Here is a list of some of the autographs we have received: Clint Black, Gregg Allman, Paul Anka, Garth Brooks, Joanna Cotten, Jack Pearson, Janis Ian, Trisha Yearwood, Eric Clapton, Patty Loveless, Faith Hill, Tim McGraw, Toby Keith, Alan Jackson, Patti LaBelle, Johnny Neel, Sylvester Stallone, and countless others. You are what made this all possible. Contact Any Celebrity is the best.”
– Mike Mattera, Eckerd CMN Fundraiser, Rio Grande, NJ

“I subscribed to your Contact Any Celebrity database a few months ago to obtain addresses for a mailing my wife and I did. Thank you for providing us with this service.”
– Mark & Ellen Mazzola, Alice Mazzola Breast Cancer Benefit, Round Lake, IL

“I just love your Celebrity Black Book and Contact Any Celebrity database. I use the site for 2 charity fundraisers and have made over $100,000 for the charities. The charities are the Bay County Humane Society in Panama City Beach Florida and the Marty Lyons Foundation. The Marty Lyons Foundation is a “Grant a Wish” foundation for sick children and their families. Every April we have a celebrity golf tournament at Jekyll Island Georgia and use the items that I can collect for a live & silent auction. Items that we have received are: Signed photos from Madonna, John Travolta, Jimmy Carter, Jeff Foxworthy: Signed scripts from Aaron Spelling and the cast from 7th Heaven, Signed Script from Eddie Murphy (Dreamgirls) just to name a few. I pay for all the letters, items, and postage to send out these requests, and I am very happy with the results…All the proceeds go directly to the charities. Some of the wishes that we have granted are: Disney week, meet Adam Sandler, Go to ground Zero & New York, Meet Garth Brooks, Super Bowl Tickets, NASCAR races.”
– Tammy McCrary, Panama City Beach, FL

“We contacted Her Majesty Queen Noor for our charity using Contact Any Celebrity and she sent us an autographed book and a lovely letter. So did Jackie Chan!”
– Jennifer McDaniel, Parker, CO

“I subscribed to your Contact Any Celebrity database about two weeks ago and sent letters to various celebrities in search of a National Spokesperson for Surgicorps International. They are a group of plastic surgeons who go on missions to third-world countries to perform surgeries. Within 3 days of writing, I received a phone call from Ellen DeGeneres‘ office. I thought it was incredible that they responded so quickly.”
– Diane McGraw, Surgicorps International, Media, PA

“Friends of Strays is a no-kill animal rescue/shelter. We do not receive any funding so we must raise all of our +$90,000 expenses each year. We recently held a dinner/auction and wanted some specialty items. We subscribed to your Contact Any Celebrity service and contacted many of the individuals that are sympathetic to animal causes. I received a great response and many wonderful items were donated which generated funds for us. Without your service, I would have spent so much time trying to track down these celebrities with no guarantee that the address I received was the correct one. Your site and celebrity contacts database was SO easy to use and yielded positive results. I most definitely recommend it to anyone and will use it again in the future when I need to contact the celebrities again.”
– Cheryl McLane, Friends of Strays, Inc., Princeton, IL

“Our event raised over $7200. Most of the addresses I used came from your celebrity contacts database. I greatly appreciate the aid your site offers. For the record, this last event for PALS was my 48th auction held since 1986. I was an entertainment columnist for 13 years in mid-Missouri. Worked six years for former “Saturday Night Live” cast member, Victoria Jackson and was recognized by former President George Bush’s 1000 Points of Light Committee for the celebrity fundraising events I’ve done for special causes. I love your site and its benefits for individuals are tremendous.”
– William McMurray, PALS, Moscow Mills, MO

“My 58th event will benefit the Heartland Humane Society of Missouri. When I heard the American Idol tour was coming to St. Louis, I quickly went to the Contact Any Celebrity database created by Jordan McAuley to see what firm represented the American Idol tour. Contact Any Celebrity provided me the information to speak to reps from 19 Entertainment. Details of our fundraiser were sent to an American Idol publicist and with their approval was given the chance to meet all 11 of this year’s American Idol cast members. When we begin to start promoting our upcoming live auction, you can be sure the American Idol signed guitar will be a focal point of our promotions.”
– William McMurray, PALS, Winfield, MO

“Each year, the Friendship Fire Company hosts a golf tournament to benefit autistic children. Last year, our contribution topped over $21,000.00. This would not have been possible without the help of Contact Any Celebrity. The celebrity contacts database provided us with the names and addresses of celebrities whose selected charity is autism. Autographed celebrity items are received and auctioned off to raise money to improve the quality of life for both the children of this devastating disorder and their parents. We will continue to use Contact Any Celebrity in the future and recommend their website and services to anyone looking to raise money for their charity.”
– Joseph Musa, Friendship Fire Company of Bressler, Bressler, PA

“Two years ago, I signed up for your Contact Any Celebrity database to get celebrity contact information. Your service worked perfectly and I got the information I needed in minutes. The accuracy of your service is “right on the money!” I like your service and will stick with it for a long time.”
– Sharon Mills, The Salvation Army, Los Angeles, CA

“I have been using Contact Any Celebrity quite a bit lately. We are having a celebrity auction for our Rotary Club to raise funds for projects ranging from scholarships to eradication of polio to wheelchairs for people who need it but cannot afford them. The site is great.”
– Jane Mize, Ennis, TX

“We love your Contact Any Celebrity database and your Celebrity Black Book. We’re about to use some of the addresses to do a mailing.”
– Stephanie Mohr, Sr. Manager U.S. Development, ORBIS International, New York NY

“We were pretty successful with our plan. Our 6th-grade class needed practice in writing letters and addressing envelopes. If we got back a picture/autograph, or even one of their standard portrait shots, we auctioned it off at our school’s silent auction. Someone must have really loved Hilary Duff, because people bid higher for her than Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, and plenty of others. Dr. Phil even sent us an autographed book, as well as a doodle. You just never know what you’ll get, and who will bid on it. I have referred your Contact Any Celebrity database to a handful of others who needed celebrity addresses. It really was easy to look up the addresses.”
– Lisa Nelson, Davis, CA

“I appreciate you and the Contact Any Celebrity service you provide. We have benefited greatly.”
– Gretchen Neubauer, The Salvation Army, Indianapolis, IN

“Last summer I started a blog to promote my school library. My sister recommended I subscribe to Contact Any Celebrity to get autographs and pictures to raffle at my blog. I decided to contact 10 celebrities that had an interest in education. I got a response from most and they sent an autographed photo. The biggest moment came one morning at my school when Jamie Lee Curtis called to say she would like to send a $500 check to support a reading literary project at my school. The phone call alone made me a celebrity at my school! This special gift made for a very exciting reading program and a great school year.”
– Elizabeth O’Brien, Astoria, NY

“We have used your Contact Any Celebrity database for the last two years for our annual fundraiser. This site has been great and the article “Help From Hollywood” was very helpful. We raised $25,000 last year, not all were celebrity items but the special items from celebs made for an extraordinary event.”
– Patsy

“You will no doubt be aware of the Bolton Iron Maiden and the story and our reunion gig and Charity Auction at the Soundhouse Boston. We have just received for our auction fantastic Iron Maiden signed “Trooper” items, CD’s, DVD and two tickets to an Iron Maiden concert — in addition to signed items from international racing driver David Coulthard, Jamiroquai, Rod Stewart, Manchester United Football Club, Bolton Wanderers Football Club, McFly and Steve Winwood using Contact Any Celebrity.”
– Paul O’Neill

“Just a bit of praise for you guys: We have been members of Contact Any Celebrity for about a year, and we have gotten some neat autographs during that time. The showstopper was an autographed item valued at $1,500! I got it today, along with a certificate of authenticity from Upper Deck! Unbelievable! Thanks so much for the work you do!”
– Amanda Pearson, Cal-Diego Paralyzed Veterans Association, San Diego, CA

“I used the Contact Any Celebrity database extensively for a silent and live auction I organized for my son’s school. I sent out almost 300 letters to various celebrities following the instructions on the website. I think only a handful were “bad” addresses. I was astonished at the response. I received autographed books (Henry Winkler), CDs (George Winston), and many photos (Liz Taylor, Cindy Crawford, Dustin Hoffman, etc.). It was fun to go to the school mailbox every day. everyone would gather around and ask what I got that day! We raised over $15,000 altogether and were thrilled. I plan to use the site again for our next event in the spring of ’06.”
– Carolyn Penharlow, Town and Country School of Vienna, Vienna, VA

“Thanks for refunding the postage! We are a group of family and friends working out of our basement raising funds for The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. With your celebrity contacts database and others, we have raised over $800,000.00 for the CFF. Our 10-year-old son has Cystic Fibrosis. We use your site to contact celebrities looking for autographs and donations for our auctions. We have used your services for around 4 years. We are gracious that you refund the postage for us. Every cent means more to CF research.”
– Jennifer Pinardo, Sal’s Pals, Toledo, OH

“Thanks for a wonderful service — we really appreciate it. We are fundraising for our horse rescue to save more horses so thanks again for all your help. Great work Contact Any Celebrity!”
– Jeffery Petersen, Fair Dinkum Farm Equine Rescue, Cody, WY

“I have been using Contact Any Celebrity on and off for the past few years, and it’s never steered me wrong! I work for a residential foster care agency, and we just celebrated our 160th anniversary with a huge community fair. A few months ago I started contacting celebrities using CAC, and four days after I sent out the invitations I got a call from Robin Williams people and it just snowballed from there. We received a ton of letters, e-mails, and autographed pictures from celebrities and sports stars which thrilled the kids. Now we have a solid base of contacts for our fundraiser next year!”
– Janene Prokes, Poughkeepsie, NY

“Your Contact Any Celebrity database helped me out in getting autographed memorabilia for a benefit we did this past November and I give you great ratings.”
– Mike Raab, Burgaw, NC

“We used your Contact Any Celebrity database to get addresses for celebrities that supported the following causes: children, teens, foster care & abuse prevention. We mailed 220 letters requesting autographed memorabilia for our charity auction. We received 17 signed photographs which raised $700. Thanks!”
– Ellen Reed-Fox, Family Resource Center, St. Louis, MO

Here’s a partial list of the celebrity items that we received after sending letters using the Contact Any Celebrity database.  We also used information from your how-to guide from the website.  We found that if we had a person who was interested in a specific area such as NASCAR write the letter and include personal thoughts and comments we were more successful.  We raised about $35,000 from the auction (not all our items were celebrity memorabilia) and people were really interested in the celebrity memorabilia.  We are in a rural community of less than 5000 and in the largest low-income area in the state of Missouri, which means we picked many a pocket during our event and having celebrity memorabilia made for an extra fun event.”
Autographed Items Received:

“Project Linus delivers handmade security blankets to seriously ill and traumatized children worldwide. I invited Dr. Phil to our National Make A Difference Day activity in the Denver area last October. He sent a 4 pack VIP admission and parking to his show to be used in our silent auction. That was definitely one of our most popular items!”
– Karen Loucks Rinedollar, Founder, Project Linus

“Excellent customer service I have to say! I have enjoyed using Contact Any Celebrity and as a fundraiser, I hope that it will prove really useful.”
– Simone Robinson, Head of Fundraising, InterAct, United Kingdom

“I work for a small, non-profit organization in rural Washington. We offer support and resources to cancer patients. One of our brain tumor patients, Sandy, is losing her battle and only has a short time left. A couple of years ago, Sandy and her best friend took a “Thelma & Louise” road trip and more than anything, Sandy wanted to hear from Ms. Sarandon and/or Ms. Davis. I sent emails and within a very short time, Sandy received a very lovely letter from Susan Sarandon. Our entire Brain Tumor Support Group, along with Wellness Pace, is very appreciative of Ms. Sarandon’s gracious and timely response. Thank you Contact Any Celebrity. We could not have done it without your help.”
– Donna Rolen, Wenatchee, WA

“Thank you for your Contact Any Celebrity service. Since signing up for access to your celebrity contacts database I have been very impressed with the results I’ve gotten. We have mailed out 81 small boxes with Christmas ornaments in them to have them signed for an auction we are doing in December. We included all they would need, a pen, return postage, etc. MUCH to my surprise, the first one was returned in about seven days!! We now have a total of 10 returns, with, hopefully, more to follow. Publicists seem to be the best chance at getting a return. We truly appreciate your great service.”
– Gordon Ross, PR Manager, Monroe Assoc. for Retarded Citizens (MARC)

“On behalf of all of us, please accept our thanks for your Contact Any Celebrity database and the assistance it gave us to help fight Cancer.”
– John W. Scherer, American Cancer Society, Douglasville, GA

★★★★★ (Google)
“I realize the people here are well known and therefore very busy with work and their own private lives. If I have a question about getting something done who else better to ask than a celebrity. Contact Any Celebrity is the best way to that wealth of information and knowledge.”
– Randy Sellers, Nonprofit Fundraiser, Frankfort, KY

“I am the founder and sponsor of the CAHS Patriots. This is a group of student volunteers at the Connellsville Area Senior High School who work to promote patriotism and support our deployed servicemen/women. We have used your Contact Any Celebrity Database and Celebrity Black Book for the last two years to help us with our annual Collectible/Celebrity auction. We have received responses from a variety of people and have been able to raise a total of $2,000 over the last two years. The community is excited to view the items on our website at There is something for everyone, young and old. It is our way of giving back to our deployed troops and local veterans because we realize that freedom matters. The entire process is made possible because we use the celebrity contacts database available through Contact Any Celebrity.”
– Linda Shearer, Founder, CAHS Patriots, Connellsville, PA

“In August of 1999, I wrote to about 350 celebrities and all 50 U.S. governors as well as a few select U.S. senators using Contact Any Celebrity. I explained that I had a niece named Anne who would be 15 at the end of January 2000 and I wanted to give her a special birthday gift: a book of autographed photos and/or letters from successful people explaining their idea of what success is. As these photos and letters were received, they were then forwarded to Anne’s grandmother and after elementary school, my sister (who is an elementary teacher) and Anne would visit Grandma and have a delightful “party” opening up each sealed envelope. These Anne and her mother placed in plastic protective sleeves in 2 large binders. Some of the people who sent her photos were Lauren Bacall (Grandma had to explain who she was!), Tommy Lee Jones (Anne’s most favorite star), Dick Van Dyke, Carroll Channing, Carol Burnett, and many Christian singers (like Jackie Valesaquez) as well as the Veggie Tales characters. When Anne got Tommy Lee Jones’ photo, she squealed like a child and almost yelled into the phone to me “You got Tommy Lee Jones’ autograph!”). She was so delighted and looked forward to visiting Grandma’s house to see what birthday pictures had arrived in the mail. As Anne received these surprises, she would then write a thank you note which she planned to mail on her birthday (January 31). On January 14, 2000, Anne and my sister were walking and running around her school track when Anne collapsed. My sister Raynette and a registered nurse whom they had just met on the track ran over to her and performed CPR. Some kind people stopped their cars and called 911 and paramedics arrived there in a very short time. Anne died of an undiagnosed congenital heart defect and could not be revived. At the funeral, the two albums were passed around to the family and visitors and were a great comfort to many of Anne’s 14-year-old friends who did not seem to understand such a sudden death. During this time of selecting Anne’s favorite clothing for her to be buried in, selecting the coffin, and selecting the music, my sister mailed the thank you notes Anne had previously written. She also enclosed Anne’s funeral notice. Raynette (my sister) received several notes of condolence from these celebrities and governors and senators who were kind enough to realize our loss. In particular, an assistant to George W. Bush and Governor Bush of Florida called my sister to express condolences. (Unknown to our family at the time, the Bush family had a loss many years before when their little sister died). It is now 2006 and I am very grateful to the many kindnesses of the people who cared enough to respond. As I watch “old” movies on television, I am still touched when I see Lauren Bacall or Tommy Lee Jones.”
– Maria Schneider, Atlanta, GA

“We used Contact Any Celebrity to find addresses for celebrities who would be willing to donate an item for a children’s charity. Living in a small community in Michigan, we have very little access to big-name stars, and your website was a great tool for us! We raised more than $9,000 for our students by utilizing your celebrity contacts database!”
– Kathy Simpson, VP Special Events Fundraising, Anchor Bay Band Boosters

“I have been using your Celebrity Black Book for the last two years and your Contact Any Celebrity database a year before that. I have a 5-year-old son with multiple disabilities. Twice a year we take him to Philadelphia for medical treatment. Because of his illness, we can’t fly and so must drive the 1600 miles there and 1600 miles back. Each trip costs an average of $12,000, so in order to go, I need to fundraise for as many of the expenses as possible. I have held three eBay auctions and have been able to fundraise about one-tenth of expenses for each trip. Sony Entertainment was very nice. They donated movie posters and DVDs. They also sent some items specifically for my son Edward. George Steinbrenner sent a Yankees hat and shirt. Within Texas The Astros sent an autographed ball, The Rockets donated an autographed poster; The Aeros donated tickets, and The Dynamos donated tickets and autographed items. Some of the coolest items donated by individuals are as follows:

There were many more neat items, unfortunately, with my son’s program/medical needs I only have time to do his fundraising after he goes to sleep around midnight. At this time I am going by memory. Your celebrity contacts database and book have been an invaluable help in our fundraising efforts. I prefer to use the book so I can highlight through when I send a letter. The nice thing about the fundraising is not only the items we get for the auction, but we have received the sweetest, supportive letters from people who are strangers. I find it touching when we get a donation, but some of the letters truly warm my heart and help keep me going. It shows that there are wonderful giving people out there who care about the well-being of my son.”
– Kathryn Smith, Houston, TX

“Contact Any Celebrity is helping our Project Graduation efforts. Thank you.”
– Ron Stancil, West Haven High School, West Haven, CT

“As National Chair of an organization that raises funds to provide post-high school educations to all the children of every fallen Special Operations soldier, sailor, airman, or marine, reaching out to celebrities for their help is an important part of my job. Contact Any Celebrity (with the length and breadth of its celebrity contacts database) has eased that burden immensely! In part, thanks to Contact Any Celebrity, we have received help and contributions from many television, movie, and Broadway stars, as well as many others. Giving us the ability to select a contact from multiple possibilities for each celebrity is a real benefit and has made a tremendous difference in our ability to help these children.”
– Richard Steinberg, Las Vegas, NV

“First and foremost, thank you for helping the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in its quest for a cure. As you may already know, cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common fatal genetic disease in the United States today, affecting more than 30,000 children and young adults. Thanks to your extensive list of celebrity addresses, we were able to raise more than $13,000 for CF research! We mailed to approximately 1,000 names on your Contact Any Celebrity list and received replies from nearly 200 actors, actresses, athletes, and musicians. Some of the more unique items we received are as follows:

In addition to the many unique items we were sent, we also received personal calls from Lisa Marie, Kyle Chandler, Fred Berry, and more. One week after the mailing was sent, we were averaging at least 3 autographed photos a day! Because of the success of this mailing, we conducted a week-long radio auction on the nationally syndicated Steve & DC morning show (which is where we raised over $13,000). Thank you for your very accurate and useful celebrity contacts database. I will be purchasing your list for the Foundation every year. I will be sure to keep you up to date on the status of future mailings. Keep up the good work!”
– Rob Steinmetz, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, St. Louis, MO

“I work for a non-profit in Houston, Texas and we included our first silent auction with one of our annual fundraising events. We used the Contact Any Celebrity database to locate celebrities for possible donations to our auction. Due to their help, we raised over $6,200 for our cause. One thing we enjoyed about the site was the listing of causes each celebrity supports. This made it very easy to find the ones who would be more interested in supporting our organization. I love your website and will be using it again next year for our next silent auction. I would highly recommend Contact Any Celebrity for anyone preparing for an auction.”
– Julie Stuckey, Justice For Our Neighbors, Houston, TX

“First of all, I want to thank you. I am a member of Kiwanis Club of Sesser located in Sesser, IL. It is a small community of about 2500 people and it is a close community where everyone knows everyone else. We have an 8-year-old girl in our community that has Chronic Hereditary Pancreatitis. This is a painful and life-threatening disease that she has lived with since she was 1 1/2 years old. Our club started working on a Celebrity/Sports Auction so that we could raise money to help her family with the medical expenses. Getting the addresses we needed was tough at first until we found out about your Contact Any Celebrity database. We now have over 200 autographed items and are receiving more every day. A few of the celebrities that we wrote to even included a personal autograph to the little girl herself which has just thrilled her to no end. Especially the photo she got from John Travolta. It’s just a kick going to the mailbox each day and finding out what we have. Once again I want to thank you. Without your service, I know our event would not be the success that I know it is going to be.”
– Kaye Styve, Kiwanis International, Sesser, IL

“Contact Any Celebrity was so much more than I expected. It’s more than just a listing of who and what. In other words, it’s not like just a “star map.” I felt that the contact information was valid and up-to-date, and there’s so much information in the celebrity contacts database. Everyone I looked for was there. There were also so few returned letters from everyday household names. To get things we can place value on and auction off for a great cause is wonderful. It was great to actually get responses from stars. The service is priceless.”
Heather Thompson, Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Tampa, FL

“My wife and I created the RT Autism Awareness Foundation, Inc. in Rochester, MN. Your site has helped us seek out some autographs etc. from celebrities whose ’cause’ is autism as well as many others. I appreciate your work. I only pay for your Contact Any Celebrity database and no one else’s…if it’s not broke don’t fix it right! I’m on this site more as we are getting our silent auction items for our July golf benefit. I guess for our cause-the more celebrities that we know whose cause is “autism” the better. But I’m sure you guys work on that stuff daily.”
– Brad Trahan, Founder, RT Autism Awareness Foundation, Inc., Rochester, MN

Our school raised over $2,000 by holding a celebrity autograph auction of signed memorabilia. This was only possible by writing and emailing contacts contacting via Contact Any Celebrity. Without the use of your website, we wouldn’t be able to report such a successful evening. Contact Any Celebrity made it so much easier — with a database of celebrity contacts at your fingertips and very easy to use. We reused some of the contacts the following year and still had a great response and made even more money.”
– Michelle Trevor, United Kingdom

“I have recently taken part in a fundraising event for patients with bowel cancer at Wexham Park Hospital in Slough. I wanted to raise money for a family room for people affected by the disease. There are 35,000 adults diagnosed each year in England and Wales. That is someone every 15 minutes. I wrote to the managers of Chelsea, Manchester United, and Liverpool football clubs, Rolf Harris and Al Fayed to name but a few using Contact Any Celebrity. They all donated wonderful prizes that I auctioned at the event on 10th June at a Gala night. So far I have managed to raise $18,000 in an attempt to provide patients and their families with the information and support they need when diagnosed with cancer.”
– Sue Tripp, Berks, United Kingdom

“I am the president of the Van Houten Foundation, Inc. The foundation is a non-profit charity (IRS 501C3) that is attempting to establish a battered women and children’s shelter in Middlesex County, New Jersey. We will be conducting a sports/celebrity auction on December 10th. I purchased The Celebrity Black Book to assist in sending request letters to the various sports/entertainment celebrities. I was very impressed with the quality of the publication. Thank you for your help and keep up the good work!”
– Dr. Norman J. Van Houten, President, The Van Houten Foundation, Inc., Edison, NJ

“I have sent over 77 letters requesting the donation of items for our 7th Annual Golf and Tennis Tournament using Contact Any Celebrity. So far we have received an autographed guitar by Melissa Etheridge as well as all seven of her CDs, also signed by her. This morning we received an autographed picture of Angelina Jolie, and an autographed book by John Waters containing 3 of his movie scripts. Of the letters I sent, I have gotten 6 back but was able to update their addresses using your updated celebrity contact information. One of them was for John Waters and we received something from him almost immediately (within 2 weeks or less). Once I reported a contact being outdated in the celebrity contacts database, I received an almost immediate response indicating that it had been updated and thanking me for letting your people know. I have been very pleased and excited about the items we have received. I can’t wait to see what else we will get and how much we will be able to fundraise thanks to their donations. Friends of mine who I have told what I was doing were skeptical but now we are showing them this really works! Thanks so much!”
– Gloria Vila, St. Paul, MN

“I was the parent coordinator for the Connally High School Theatre Department. This group was nominated and selected to perform at the Fringe Festival in Edinburgh, Scotland. We found out in May 2009 that we were selected. So, we have been doing fundraisers for over a year. I happened upon Contact Any Celebrity’s website and decided to take a chance. We started sending out letters to celebrities with the hopes that we would either get donations or autographed items for a silent auction. We received an autographed photo and show poster from Glenn Close; an autographed photo of Ashton Kutcher, Aaron Ashmore, and Jeff Foxworthy. We received a “goodie bag” from Wheel of Fortune which included an autographed photo of Vanna White and Pat Sajak. Kyle Chandler sent us an autographed baseball cap and we also received tickets to a Texas Rangers game. These are just a few of the items we received from sending letters using the contact information from your website. My son graduated this year so I will not be a part of the school fundraisers again. However, if anyone asks me, I will definitely recommend your website. I also like the postage refund guarantee. I sent you the envelopes that were returned and received the refund check within 2 weeks of sending out my package. I was surprised at how quickly I received the refund. I’m glad I “happened” upon your website and I definitely would recommend your celebrity contacts database to anyone that has a huge fundraising event.”
– Anita White, Connally Theatre Parent Coordinator, Austin, TX

“I don’t think I shared with you my favorite success to date. It arrived about 3 weeks ago. I have admired Sally Field for as long as I can remember. I wrote her to thank her for her tireless efforts in standing for equality. I also told her that during my years of nursing school, the only book I read that didn’t pertain to nursing was her autobiography. (Great read, highly recommended.) She signed the photo I sent from Places in the Heart. She also sent a lovely hand-written note thanking me for writing and said sharing my story with her made her stronger. She thanked me for the work I do and wished me health and safety through the COVID crisis. I was humbled. This multi-award-winning actress sent me such a sweet and sincere reply. Without using the address from your database this never would have happened. Thanks so much!”
– Greg Williams, Hillsville, Nurse, VA

“I took your tips of crafting a correspondence, kept it sincere and even added some personal pics and I received great response over 6 months! Several celebrities sent gifts instead of video/autograph, such as Taylor Swift! She sent 30 shirts and sweaters, blanket, cups, jewelry, etc.! Several people also sent my wife autographed books they wrote. Several personally emailed me or even called or texted me. Great experience… can’t thank you guys enough!”
– Royce Williams, Michigan City, IN

More Success Stories…

About The Author

Jordan McAuley

Jordan McAuley is the author of ‘Celebrity Leverage: Insider Secrets to Getting Celebrity Endorsements, Instant Credibility & Star-Powered Publicity,’ ‘Secrets to Contacting Celebrities: 101 Ways to Reach the Rich & Famous,’ & ‘The Celebrity Black Book: Over 56,000+ Verified Celebrity Addresses‘. He is featured by American Express OPEN Forum, CBS News, CNN, E! News, Entrepreneur Magazine, Fast Company, Forbes, FOX News, New York Post, USA Today, The Guardian, Tim FerrissThe 4-Hour Workweek, The Mirror UK, The Wrap & more. He graduated from the University of Miami with degrees in Film Business, English Literature, and Communication. Jordan is a former 90s highschool video store clerk who has has lived and worked in Atlanta, Miami, Los Angeles, and New York City.
