All Feats in Baldurs Gate 3: Mobile, Great Weapon Master, Magic Initiate, more

July 2024 · 4 minute read
Ability ImprovementsYou can spend 2 ability points on either Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, Charisma, and Intelligence, or increase two of them by 1.ActorCharisma increases by 1, Proficiency multiplied by 2 for Deception & Performance Checks.AlertInitiative receives a +5 bonus and players can’t be surprised.AthleteStrength and Dexterity increase by 1 up to a maximum of 20. Standing after being prone requires fewer movement points. Lump increases by 50%.ChargerPlayer gains Charger: Weapon Attack & Charger: Shove.Crossbow ExpertAttack Rolls are not Disadvantaged at close range. Piercing Shot inflicts Gaping Wounds for 2x longer.Defensive DuelistWhen attacked by a melee ability, your reaction will increase your Armor Class.Dual WielderGain a point in Armor Class when you wield a melee weapon on both hands. You will also be able to use two heavy weapons at the same time.Dungeon DelverGain Advantage on Perception Checks to detect hidden objects and Saving Throws to avoid or resist traps. Resistance to damage dealt by traps.DurableConstitution increases by 1. You regain full HP each time you take Short Rest.Elemental AdeptA player gains Charger: Weapon Attack & Charger: Shove.Great Weapon MasterUpon scoring a critical hit with a melee attack or getting a kill will grant you a bonus.Heavily ArmouredStrength increased by one up to a maximum of 20.Heavy Armour MasterGain Resistance to a damage type of your choice. You can’t roll a 1 when casting spells of that type either. Select from: Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, and Thunder.Lightly ArmouredStrength or Dexterity increased by one up to a maximum of 20.LuckyStrength increases by 1. Damage from non-magical attacks decreases by 3 while wearing heavy armor.Mage SlayerGain 3 Luck Points to gain an Advantage on Attack Rolls, Ability Checks, or Saving Throws. Can make an enemy reroll their Attack Rolls.Magic Initiate: BardGain a level 1 spell and 2 Cantrips from Bards. Your spell casting will depend on your Charisma.Magic Initiate: ClericGain a spell slot, a level one spell, and two Cantrips from the Cleric list.Magic Initiate: DruidGain a level 1 spell and 2 Cantrips from Druids. Your spell casting will depend on your Wisdom.Magic Initiate: SorcererGain a level 1 spell and 2 Cantrips from Sorcerer. Your spell casting will depend on your Charisma.Magic Initiate: WarlockGain a spell slot, a level one spell, and two Cantrips from the Warlock list.Magic Initiate: WizardGain a spell slot, a level one spell, and two Cantrips from the Wizard list.Martial AdeptYou gain Advantage on any Saving Throw after a creature casts a spell within melee range of you. Players can use a reaction to attack against the caster. Disadvantage applied to enemies you hit on Concentration Saving Throws.Medium Armor MasterStrength or Dexterity increased by 1 up to a maximum of 20 and gained proficiency with Medium Armor and Shields.MobileMovement speed increases and Dash is not affected by terrain. If you move after performing a melee, the enemy won’t deliver Opportunity Attacks.Moderately ArmouredObtain one superiority die and learn two maneuvers from Battle Master. Regain an extended superiority dice after a long rest.ObservantWearing Medium Armour doesn’t trigger a Disadvantage on Stealth Checks. Bonus from Dexterity Modifier to Armour Class increases to +3 from +2.PerformerIncreases Charisma by 1 up to a maximum of 20.Polearm MasterYou can use a Bonus Action when attacking with the butt of your Glaive, Halberd, Quarterstaff, or Spear. You can also make an Opportunity Attack when a target comes gets close to you.ResilientIncrease an Ability by 1. Gain Proficiency in that Ability’s Saving Throws. Select from: Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Strength, and Wisdom.Ritual CasterYou can learn two ritual spells of your choosing.Savage AttackerYou can roll damage dice twice and use the top result when using weapon attacks.SentinelIntelligence or Wisdom increases by 1. +5 bonus to passive Wisdom and passive Intelligence.SharpshooterRanged weapon attacks don’t receive penalties from High Ground Rules.
Attacks with ranged weapons you are Proficient with have a -5 penalty to their Attack Roll. They deal an additional 10 damage though.Shield MasterGain 2 bonus Dexterity saving throws when using shields. Use this reaction to protect yourself from spells.SkilledGain proficiency in any combination of three skills.Spell SniperYou learn a cantrip. The number to roll a Critical Hit while attacking is reduced by 1. The effect can stack.Tavern BrawlerWhen you make an unarmed attack, use an improvised weapon, or throw something, your Strength Modifier is added twice to the damage and Attack Rolls.ToughHP increased by +2 for every level.War CasterIf enemy attacks within melee range, you can use a reaction to make a weapon attack against them. Target ally can’t have the Sentinel Feat.
Gain Advantage on Opportunity Attacks. When you hit a creature with an Opportunity Attack, it can no longer move for the duration of its remaining turn.Weapon MasterStrength or Dexterity increased by 1 up to a maximum of 20.
